Amberley Self StorageAmberley's Leading Self Storage Facility

Amberley Self Storage Policies

Privacy Policy


This document is to be read in conjunction with the Standard Self Storage Agreement(SSSA); it forms part of the legal relationship between you (the Storer) and the Owner/Facility, its employees and any other person entitled to enforce the SSSA.

Your Personal Information

We need to collect and use your Personal Information to provide you with storage. This information includes your name, licence number and details, passport number (non-Australian issued) and address. You may choose to not provide the Facility with this information, but not doing so may affect our ability to provide you with storage.

The Facility is authorised to collect and release your information:

1. The Facility may collect information about you including your Personal Information to assist:

  • In the provision of storage to you;
  • In maintaining your account;
  • In the event that we need to enforce our agreement with you in any way.

2. The Facility may disclose any information we have about you including your Personal Information to the following:

  • Government departments;
  • Law enforcement agencies, including the police; investigators;
  • Any person who can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Facility a legal or equitable interest in the goods stored;
  • Liquidators, administrators or other persons appointed to administer the Storer’s financial affairs;
  • Debt collection services;
  • Your Alternate Contact Person;
  • Agents for any of the above Storer Check Pty Ltd (see below).

3. You make the following authorisation regarding your Alternate Contact Person: that you have the right to disclose information about them including their Personal Information; that you will inform them that you have made this disclosure; that the Facility may use this information as we would Personal Information collected about you, the Storer; that they may access and correct the information held by us in the same manner you, the Storer, may correct your Personal Information.

Storer Check Pty Ltd (‘Storer Check’)

This Storage Facility subscribes to the Storer Check system. By applying to store with this facility you agree to the following:

1. This facility may search the Storer Check data base for information Storer Check may have about you. This facility may choose to refuse you storage, or terminate your storage agreement, if you are listed with Storer Check.

2. This facility may release or update any details and personal information they have about you to Storer Check, including but not limited to:

  • your name;
  • your address;
  • your previous address;
  • your licence number and details;
  • your passport number (non-Australian issued) and details;
  • your date of birth.

3. Your details and personal information will be released to Storer Check in the event that you breach your storage agreement or engage in illegal or threatening behaviour including but not limited to:

  • Not paying for storage
  • Dumping or abandoning goods
  • Being chronically late with payments
  • Being abusive or threatening to staff members or other storers
  • Eliciting police involvement, such as the execution of search warrants against you, this facility or your storage space
  • Any other breach of the storage agreement

4. This facility may use the information you provide during this application or at any other time to update any listing you currently have with Storer Check.

If you do not consent to these terms, you should not apply for storage with this facility.

By applying to store with this facility you consent to the terms and conditions set out in this document and on-line at, including this facility’s right to search Storer Check for your details, and to release your information and details to Storer Check in certain circumstances. For further information about Storer Check Pty Ltd go to

Your Rights

You may view and correct your Personal Information by: giving reasonable notice to the Facility that you wish to view your Personal Information; attending at the Facility; advising the Facility in writing that your Personal Information is not correct and provide written corrections.

More Information

If you would like any further information regarding how your Personal Information is handled please contact one of our staff members.


This document is to be read in conjunction with the Standard Self Storage Agreement (SSSA); it forms part of the legal relationship between you (the Storer) and the Owner/Facility, its employees and any other person entitled to enforce the SSSA.

As part of your contract for use of the ‘Amberley Self Storage’ facilities all users must abide by the conditions of use outlined in this document. Failure to follow these conditions may lead to termination of the contract. Users must agree to:

  • Not using loud voices when talking;
  • Not use radios or play music;
  • Not idle engines while loading and unloading;
  • Where possible, not use reverse gear if the vehicle is fitted with an audible reverse warning device; and
  • Avoid creating loud noise during the loading and unloading of items.

Monitoring and Surveillance

The sight will be under 24 hour video surveillance. In the event that a complaint is received the vehicle registration number of the offending vehicle will be cross-checked with our user register. During the investigation of a complaint, it will also be established which storage room was accessed during the time of the complaint to confirm the person/s involved. After the investigation if Amberley Self Storage reasonably suspects a Storer to be in violation of the user agreement they will be issued with a Non-Conformance Notice.

Issuing Non-Conformance Notices

Storers that fail to adhere to the policies and procedures of Amberley Self Storage will be issued with a Non-Conformance Notice. The Non-Conformance Notice will detail the type of non-conformity, the time it occurred and will require the user to explain how they will avoid the creation of unacceptable behaviour in the future.

Termination of Contract and Expulsion

Failure of the Storer to provide a satisfactory response to the Non-Conformance Notice will end the contract and the Storer will be expelled. A user that provides a satisfactory response to the Non-Conformance Notice buy again behaves in violation with the Storer Agreement will have breached the terms of their contract and will have their contact terminated and the Storer expelled.

Refund Policy

Any relevant Storage Fees already paid in advance by the Storer shall be refunded pro-rata to the Storer on termination of the agreement.